Hey There Awesome Guildies,
Hope everyone had a nice long weekend! The weather was great for being outside.
Thank you for being respectful when other people are online. It is nice to ask if it is "OK" before TPing to them. They might be working on a top secret project!
This is also true of PVP. Ask before you engage. Not everyone likes PVP.
The weather and sunsets have been beautiful on East Coast Miners! WOW!
Hope everyone had a nice long weekend! The weather was great for being outside.
Thank you for being respectful when other people are online. It is nice to ask if it is "OK" before TPing to them. They might be working on a top secret project!
This is also true of PVP. Ask before you engage. Not everyone likes PVP.
The weather and sunsets have been beautiful on East Coast Miners! WOW!
This is a ravine that Mainecakes found and made a warp. Feel free to do some group mining and exploring there. What your find belongs to you! To get there type /warp ravine
Also be sure to set up a mailbox if you have not done so yet. There are several "open" mailboxes that are available. Its fun to leave surprises for each other! To get there type /warp mail
Mainecakes gave herself the ability to fly to get some cool airial shots of people's builds! You are ALL amazing!
This is Owl's Huge Complex
This is Owl's Huge Complex
Ally built this wonderful tree house.
Ally built this wonderful tree house.
18th has done an awesome job on his treetop home.
These are builds that I found and don't know who they belong to. Maybe they are TOP SECRET!
If you have a build that you would like to see in the weekly email...please put a picture in Discord or email it to [email protected]
We hope to see you at Guild Build Friday night at 7:00 pm.
Mainecakes has company (again) so will have to miss another fun night with ECM! Bummer!
Have fun and be safe!
We hope to see you at Guild Build Friday night at 7:00 pm.
Mainecakes has company (again) so will have to miss another fun night with ECM! Bummer!
Have fun and be safe!