Welcome back to Bubbleskitty (previously known as Ninja9) - She is a very friendly kid so please introduce yourself to her if you see her online. I think she only uses typing not voice.
Just a friendly reminder to all... This server is built on mutual respect and kindness. We do have a griefing policy which you can read here: http://www.eastcoastminers.org/griefing-policy.html
If someone does something that you don't like it is our hope that you will talk it over with them and not retaliate. If you choose to retaliate then you become part of the problem. Type in local chat that you want them to stop, remind them that their behavior is inappropriate, and remove yourself from the situation.
We are all responsible to make East Coast Miners a fun and safe place.
Last Guild Build was fun in survival. People had good luck finding the hidden treasures. SweetSailor found a lot! Next time we will give Zap a headstart!
Speaking of Zap, he took this cool picture with his filters on.
Cats is making something cool out of bones. Can you tell what it is? Biggest skull in history!
If you want to see survival - just click the little triangle on the right and pick S world.
The second icon is the 3D view. Have fun!
We hope to see you at Guild Build Friday night at 7:00 pm. We will meet in Creative World and explore the Halloween area.