Our server is looking great! So many new builds and fun things to see! Let's spend part of our Guild Build exploring and seeing each other's creations. Please be sure to put your name and the date you created on a sign near you build.
For example: What is Obo and Ninga9 building here?
Love these American Flag banners! Have you seen them?
Bented and Ninga9 are working together on a "Choose You Own Adventure Story" Bented is building the space and Ninga9 is writing the story. They are not done yet but so far it is cool!
Have you visited the mansion K4 built with some help from her fellow Guildies?
And who built these cool characters? WOW!
Almost time to vote on the pixel art contest.... So many good choices!
It was so much fun to play Don't Laugh! We have some very funny guildies in East Coast Miners! ;-) Thanks for setting it up Owl!