Here are our guidelines for using Discord.
- Mute yourself if your background noise might be disruptive to the group.
- Try not to monopolize the talk channel - give others a chance to be heard.
- Wait for the speaker to stop talking before you start.
- If you are working on a specific project with a small group you can move your discussion to a new channel.
- Remember to give compliments before giving suggestions.
- Be polite and thoughtful! If you are not familiar with Discord, it is a free voice server that we particularly like because it allows for complete privacy as we can log on with our Minecraft names.
Discord can be used on tablets or PCs. Please remember at Guild Build that not everyone will be able to use Discord. So it is important to also type in chat for people online and not using voice. We don't want anyone to feel left out. :-)
Here is a picture of AllyCat's Very Cool Pig house! Be sure to check it out!