Happy October Guildies!
Hope everyone is ready for the wonderful weather of Autumn!
K4Sons has been playing around with video on East Coast Miners server. Check out this Machinima that she created of a giant sculpture rtard is building. Also if you have missed any of the emails, they are all posted on our website too
Last Guild Build was fun! This is a group shot is at the special spectator booth Owl built for those of us who can't think of anything clever to do for the Don't Laugh game! :-)
Hope everyone is ready for the wonderful weather of Autumn!
K4Sons has been playing around with video on East Coast Miners server. Check out this Machinima that she created of a giant sculpture rtard is building. Also if you have missed any of the emails, they are all posted on our website too
Last Guild Build was fun! This is a group shot is at the special spectator booth Owl built for those of us who can't think of anything clever to do for the Don't Laugh game! :-)
It was great to have Blue_ArrOw also known as Galewinds join us! He is an awesome banner maker too!
It was also great to see rtard at Guild Build! It's fun to have you on the server.
Love this GIANT Ninja Turtle he built! It is near Owl's purple building if you want to visit.
And look who showed up! TechplexEngineer! Always great to see you! Thanks for all the Tech Support you do for us!
BedfordSteve is made this very colorful mini-game with minecarts!
He is also making an interesting new Mini-game near the city!
He is also making an interesting new Mini-game near the city!
Love Allycat's Party Place! Totally cool! She is planning a fun Halloween Party coming up soon!
Owltown has added two new builds both inspired by books and/or movies. Can you identify them?
We had more fun with Owl's Elytra ring challenge! Remember you can get there by typing /warp top
Look at Galewind's ROUGH landing on the top of Zap's elevator.
Look at Galewind's ROUGH landing on the top of Zap's elevator.
Speaking of books and movies... I recently visited this awesome Minecraft Build. Can you identify it? Isn't it amazing! Is that K4sons? :-)
Hope to see you Friday night at 7:00 pm for Guild Build. :-)
Sadly, Mainecakes won't be there as she is away again. K4sons is hoping to stop by. We never know about Techplex... he might make a surprise visit!
Have fun and keep being awesome!
Happy Mining,
Blake - Techplex
Kim - K4Sons
and Mary - Mainecakes
East Coast Miners Leadership Team