Hey Awesome Guildies!
Welcome to Preston who joined us for Guild Build for the first time! It's always fun to have new members join the excitement.
This week's GB will be in creative. it would be fun to visit some of the amusement parks that are there. Nuka Cola, Pizza Land, and the Giant Rollercoaster are a few. Other ideas are welcome!
Here we are in front of the Safehouse before heading out for the Valentine's Day Hunt.
We have some amazing hunters in the group...
Ally was the champion finder! She found 4 boxes! Obo found 3. 18th found 2. Green, Choas, Cats, and Dark each found one. There is still one box (#12) unfound...who will be the lucky person?
Welcome to Preston who joined us for Guild Build for the first time! It's always fun to have new members join the excitement.
This week's GB will be in creative. it would be fun to visit some of the amusement parks that are there. Nuka Cola, Pizza Land, and the Giant Rollercoaster are a few. Other ideas are welcome!
Here we are in front of the Safehouse before heading out for the Valentine's Day Hunt.
We have some amazing hunters in the group...
Ally was the champion finder! She found 4 boxes! Obo found 3. 18th found 2. Green, Choas, Cats, and Dark each found one. There is still one box (#12) unfound...who will be the lucky person?
We had a mining extravaganza in Ravine2! Diamonds were found by many but not all! Mineshafts, spiders, and other mobs made the adventure exciting! If you want to get there just type /warp ravine2

Hope to see you at Guild Build this Friday at 7:00 pm.