Happy December Awesome Guildies!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and vacation. It's time to celebrate winter in East Coast Miners! Look how beautiful!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and vacation. It's time to celebrate winter in East Coast Miners! Look how beautiful!
Please join the holiday and winter pixel art exhibit! Just type /warp winter
Remember to put your name on your artwork! Mainecakes made this giant snowman to get us started! Thanks K4sons for the inspiration!
Remember to put your name on your artwork! Mainecakes made this giant snowman to get us started! Thanks K4sons for the inspiration!
People have been busy building and playing on ECM Server.
The18thdoctor made this cool redstone machine that opens doors to secret passages in his Mars Base. Remember /warp mars if you want to visit.
Owl has been busy with his Friday Night at Freddy's build. I think this might be his evil twin. :-) You can visit with /warp fnaf
I did not get everyone's pictures but I know BedfordSteve is making some sort of base, Bedrockcreeper has created a generator of some sort and Bubbles is working on something too. What else have people been creating?
Special thanks to everyone in East Coast Miners the amazing work you do!
Hope to see you Friday night at 7:00 pm for Guild Build.
Happy Mining,
Blake - Techplex
Kim - K4Sons
and Mary - Mainecakes
East Coast Miners Leadership Team