Hey Awesome Miners!
Hope everyone is enjoying summer! It is hard to believe it is already August!
We had fun at Guild Build last week! It was a good group of people with lots to do and see!
Hope everyone is enjoying summer! It is hard to believe it is already August!
We had fun at Guild Build last week! It was a good group of people with lots to do and see!
18th has made this amazing chess board! It is huge and very well made. It even has a key to explain the pieces! Well Done 18th! :-) To visit just type /warp chess
BedfordSteve went mining in the new group mine! To find it type /warp groupdig
Chaos has done a great job on his water home!
We had a blast jumping from Sean's VERY high "diving board" - just hope you hit water not land! YIKES
I am sure there are other cool builds that we have not seen.
Looking forward to doing more touring at Guild Build.
We hope to see you at Guild Build Friday night at 7:00 pm.
Looking forward to doing more touring at Guild Build.
We hope to see you at Guild Build Friday night at 7:00 pm.