Cool places to explore
Below is a list of cool places our guildies have created on the server.
We have two worlds: Creative and Survival
When you type /warp a list of warps will appear.
You can click on one and teleport instantly to that location.
Creative Warps:
Big Tree - welcome Island for creative
Creative - underwater coral reef welcome area
CreativeRainbow - a cool rainbow
ECMCity - our new city
FunLand - a place with mini games etc
MainLand - a creative gathering place
Medieval - some cool medieval buildings
Survival Warp
Survival - takes you to the survival safehouse
When you type /warp a list of warps will appear.
You can click on one and teleport instantly to that location.
Creative Warps:
Big Tree - welcome Island for creative
Creative - underwater coral reef welcome area
CreativeRainbow - a cool rainbow
ECMCity - our new city
FunLand - a place with mini games etc
MainLand - a creative gathering place
Medieval - some cool medieval buildings
Survival Warp
Survival - takes you to the survival safehouse